Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Homework 11/19

Read and annotate "The Knight's Tale" part IV.

Collaborize - Post your vocabulary 20 story and a minimum of 2 thoughtful and substantive replies to peers. Don't forget to vote for your favorite story!

Write your 5th blog post.

  • Purpose --> this blog should "inform" and serve as a "how to" for your audience. For example, explain a process, describe a procedure, or provide information related to your blog topic. 
  • "How to" blogs are typically shorter and include media to "show" steps or parts of a process.
*Extra-credit for anyone who records a demonstration or explanation on YouTube and includes that in their blog.

Click here to watch the YouTube tutorial on how to add a video to your blog!

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Homework 11/13

Read and annotate "The Knight's Tale" Part 2.

1 Collaborize Classroom DQ with 2 thoughtful and substantive replies to peers!

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Homework 11/6

Post your predictions about what you expect from the Knight's tale given what we know about him and the time period. Don't forget to include your name.

Once you have posted your predictions, read and annotate "The Knight's Tale" Part One (pages 32-48).

Core Final Presentations Friday 11/8 --> Watch this video reviewing how your infographic and presentation will be assessed;

  • Complete a works cited for your 3 credible sources (minimum). Either add in small font to the bottom of your infographic or submit as a separate works cited page (shared Google doc formatted and titled properly). 
  • Dress nicely, but no need to go over the top. No hats or gum.

Agenda 11/6

Citation link & example

Monday, November 4, 2013

Homework 10/4

Core Final: Infographics due by midnight tonight.

Collaborize Classroom: Vocabulary 19 Narrative. 
  • Post your vocabulary story, poem or song.
  • Read and reply thoughtfully and substantively to at least 2 peers. 
  • Vote for your favorite story!
StudySync: Canterbury Tales Lesson with 5 thoughtful peer reviews!

Agenda 11/4

SSR (15)

Library - return The Lord of the Flies and pick up The Canterbury Tales (15)

Vocabulary 19 Synonym and Antonym Search (10)

Historical Context Clues: Analyzing Artwork (15)
   CLICK HERE to view a Google doc with 4 paintings.
   Work together to explore every detail of these paintings:

  • What is happening in each painting? Look at the details. You'll need to research!
  • What do you notice about the style of painting? What might this reveal about the time period or art movement this was produced in?
  • When would your group guess these were painted? This should be an educated guess!
  • Are there common elements in these paintings?
  • What can you infer (or conclude) about life during this time from these details?

Canterbury Tales Prologue (15) 

CLICK HERE to view the video. Umm...come again?

As a group, use each other and you devices to make sense of the the prologue. Just as the prologue in Romeo and Juliet sets the stage for Shakespeare's famous play, this prologue also introduces this text. Can you figure out: 
  • What time of year it is?
  • Where is this story taking place?
  • What is the premise of the story? Why are these characters together?
  • How many people are involved? Do they have a lot in common?
  • What else do you learn?