Thursday, February 27, 2014

Homework 2/27

Othello Soundtrack - Log into our Collaborize Classroom site and complete the soundtrack for Act I, scene ii-iii. You will need to match a song (any genre, instrumental is okay) to each scene and analyze the connection. Did the song remind you of a character, event, theme, pacing? Use quotes from both the play and the song.

Entire play online here:

StudySync - Character Analysis (Iago and Roderigo) and 5 reviews for your peers' writing. 

Vocabulary quiz #24 on Monday. 

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Homework 2/25

Study for vocabulary 24 quiz on Thursday.

Post interview questions (*these are different from your research questions) for the Core Final: Career Exploration Project for approval.

Othello Soundtrack - Log into our Collaborize Classroom site and complete the soundtrack for Act I, scene i. You will need to match a song (any genre, instrumental is okay) to the scene and analyze the connection. Did the song remind you of a character, event, theme, pacing? Use quotes from both the play and the song.

Entire play online here:

Agenda 2/25

Friday, February 21, 2014

Homework 2/21

Study Vocabulary List #24

Complete and share your resume and cover letter for the Core Final Career Exploration Project (if you have not already done so).

Complete the Newsela article questions on the Google form (if you did not finish in the computer lab).

***Use this weekend to make contact with the person you are interviewing and observing.***

Agenda 2/21

In the classroom:
SSR (15) - Check vocabulary 24 and citation quiz for those who have not passed out of this skill.
Vocabulary 24 syn & ant (15)

In the computer lab:
Write your cover letters to the person you want to interview and the person you want to observe.
  • Click here to access business letter format. 
  • Properly title your document: Class Name - Last Name - Cover Letter
  • Share with me at

Log into your account at

  • Read "German authorities find huge trove of looted masterpieces" and complete the following Google form

Citation Quiz 2/21

 Citation Quiz 

Create a complete works cited.


Your SSR book or Night is fine.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Homework 2/19

Post Vocabulary 24 story to Collaborize Classroom and reply thoughtfully to at least 2 peers.

Complete your resume so it is ready to send.

If you did not finish your Core Final Career Exploration Research, please complete 2 pages of Cornell style notes with complete citations and submit to Tucker via Google document. 

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Agenda 2/19

This time is the computer lab must be treated as a testing environment.

1. Share the Holocaust Diary entry you want graded with me. Follow these directions EXACTLY.

  • Copy and paste the Holocaust diary entry you want graded onto a new Google document. 
  • Title your document --> Class Name - Last Name - Holocaust Diary Entry
  • Then click the blue "Share" button and enter my email address ( and select "Can edit." There will be a long URL/Link at the top of the "Share settings" box. Copy and past the URL into this Google Form. 

2. Timed argument paragraph on Night (30 minutes)
  • Prompt: Did Elie Wiesel lose his faith in God? Write an argument paragraph arguing your perspective. Remember to include quotes with citations to support your claim. 
  • Remember: You can reference the Collaborize Classroom debate as you write, but watch the clock as this will suck up your time!
  • Title your typed argument paragraph --> Class Name - Last Name - Night Argument Paragraph
  • Share your paragraph with me at
3. Type and edit your Dieudonné debate paragraph (30 minutes)
  • Title your typed argument paragraph --> Class Name - Last Name - Dieudonné Argument Paragraph
  • Share your paragraph with me at
4. Write your resume for Core Final Career Exploration Project
  • Click here to access the resume template. 
  • Click "File" and select "Make a copy."
  • Title your typed resume --> Class Name - Last Name - Resume
  • Share your paragraph with me at
Fill out this form with the information for your project -->

  • Post Vocabulary 24 story to Collaborize Classroom and reply thoughtfully to at least 2 peers.
  • Complete your resume so it is ready to send.
  • If you did not finish your Core Final Career Exploration Research, please complete 2 pages of Cornell style notes with complete citations and submit to Tucker via Google document. 

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Homework 2/14

StudySync Assignment - Elie Wiesel's Nobel Peace Prize Speech

  • Read and annotate
  • Respond to prompt
  • Review 5 peer's writing
Vocabulary 24 List - Please watch the video and take Cornell Notes

Wednesday - Timed Argument Paragraph: Did Elie Wiesel lose his faith in God? Bring quotes and citations to class!

Friday, February 7, 2014

Agenda 2/7

Agenda 2/7

Citation Quiz #3:

Create a works cited for the following resources:

Night (if you don't have it, please cite your SSR book)

Instagram - Sensory Detail Scavengerhunt
Explore campus quietly alone or in pairs (one person must have an Instagram account) capturing pictures that you feel are powerful, sad, beautiful, etc. Share pictures with me @whstucker and include a brief sensory rich description with each. Include the hashtag #luminescentbutterflies

Terezin - I Never Saw Another Butterfly
Explore the Terezin Concentration Camp and the children's artwork and poetry created there.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Homework 2/3

Blog #6 - Write a blog commenting on someone else's work that is related to your blog topic. You can read an article or blog written about your topic or watch a YouTube video. Then your job is to comment on it in a thoughtful and respectful way. Do you agree or disagree with the ideas shared? Can you share a different perspective or build on the ideas shared? What did you learn from their post or video?

  • Must include a hyperlink to the work you are commenting on. If you are not sure how to create a hyperlink, watch this video tutorial
Diary Evaluation - Select your strongest diary entry to edit and improve because this is the entry I will closely grade for use of narrative techniques. Please clearly identify which journal entry you want me to read and evaluate (i.e. make it a different color or post a comment).

StudySync -Night excerpt and close reading. 

Agenda 2/3