Monday, September 29, 2014

Homework 9/29

Post your SAT vocabulary #3 narrative to our Schoology site and reply thoughtfully and substantively to at least two peers.

Use the peer feedback you received in class today combined with what you know about writing an essay to make any necessary final edits to your summer assignment.

Agenda 9/29

Sunday, September 28, 2014


Finish reading and annotating TKAM to the end.

TKAM Exam on Monday:

  • Part I: Character identification - you will need to match the character with the correct description. Please review both primary and secondary characters.
  • Part II: Quote identification - you will need to identify which character said each quote.
  • Part III: Paragraph Response - you will have a choice between 2 or 3 questions and you'll need to write a response following the body paragraph format. You will be able to use your book and annotations for this section. 

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Friday, September 19, 2014

Homework 9/19

Read and annotate TKAM to page 254 (Chapter 26-27).

Complete the StudySync lesson on FDR Inaugural Speech assignment.

  • Remember that the paragraph needs to follow the informational writing format:
    • Topic sentence
    • Concrete detail #1
    • Commentary x 2 sentences
    • Concrete detail #2
    • Commentary x 2 sentences
    • Conclusion sentence
Post your first blog for this year and make sure to fill out the information form (*see link below).

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Agenda 9/19

Please put annotations on your desk to be checked. I'm checking Ch.22-25 today!

Research Tips (5) 
  • Tip #1: Find websites with a specific word in the title by starting with “intitle:”
    • intitle:death penalty
  • Tip #2: Use quotation marks around phrase to find results with that exact wording.
    • "death penalty in California"
A Google a Day Exercise (5)
  • In teams of 2 or 3 and play a Google a Day
  • Use today's research tips!
  • You have 5 minutes and you earn points for how quickly you are able to answer the questions correctly, so work as a team. 
Research the death penalty (25)
  • find one credible online resource 
  • complete Got Credibility form 
  • add facts to your Death Penalty Debate Prewriting Doc (*Remember: use parenthetical citations after quotes)
  • Reference OWL Purdue site for citation info
Set Up Your Passion Blog (20)
  • Click here to view the Google doc that walks you through setting up your blog. 
  • Sophomores are the experts on this. Use them!
  • Don't forget to fill out the information form with your blog info, so I can easily find it. 
    • IMPORTANT: The URL you enter into the Google Form needs to be the unique URL you created when setting up your blogger site. If I don't have the correct URL, I cannot assess your work and you will receive a zero. 
Begin Your Blog! (15)
  • Write your first blog by introducing yourself and the topic of your blog. This initial blog will tell your readers what can expect from your blog. 
    • Upload a picture of yourself (If you don't have a photo on your desktop, you can take a selfie with your phone, email it to yourself, save the picture to the computer, then upload it to the blog. This will personalize your blog.) If you'd prefer not to use your own photo, then take an original picture that symbolizes your topic (i.e. picture of running shoes for a blog on jogging; picture of a guitar for blog about music, picture of food item for cooking blog, etc.) and upload that. 
    • Write between 150-300 words. Use paragraph breaks and other conventions of English please. Although the TONE of a blog is more informal and fun, people will be turned off by blatant grammatical and sentence structure errors. 
*Returning sophomores continuing the same blog will want to do a welcome back blog to let their readers know what's been happening since they last blogged.

StudySync FDR Inaugural Speech Assignment - Due date has been extended to Tuesday
If you finish the activities above, feel free to return to the StudySync assignment! The more you get done here, the less you have to do for homework.

Read and annotate TKAM pages 241 - Chapter 26 (10)

Storytime (10)

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Homework 9/17

Read and annotate TKAM to page 241 (end of Chapter 25).

Revise body paragraph #3 of your summer assignment.

Agenda 9/17

Identifying themes (20 minutes)

  • Click on the Padlet Wall for your class:
  • Read the directions carefully and post your theme supported by textual evidence with citation.
    • Atticus said, "I wanted you to see what real courage is, instead of getting the idea that courage is a man with a gun in his hand. It's when you know you're licked before you begin, but you begin anyway and see it through no matter what" (Lee 112). 
Summer Assignment Body Paragraph 2 Revision (30 minutes)
  • Please revise your second body paragraph using my comments from your first body paragraph to guide your edits. 
  • You are encouraged to reference your "How to Write a Body Paragraph" notes.  
Death Penalty Argumentative Essay Prewriting (25 minutes)
  • Log into your Gmail, click on this link Pro vs. Con debate template, go to "File" at the top of the template, click "Make a Copy" and title is correctly = Class Name - Last Name - Death Penalty Debate Prewriting.
  • Complete this FORM once you have made copy and correctly titled your document.
  • Revisit our Schoology conversations about the death penalty and pull over any strong points made on either side of the argument, as well as any strong data that supports those points. Next class we will begin the research phase of prewriting. 

Monday, September 15, 2014

Homework 9/15

Read and annotate (regular annotations) TKAM to page 211.

Complete the StudySync assignment you started in class. Remember to use the correct body paragraph format for the written response.

If you did not critique a narrative in class, please follow the directions below to finish that. Remember you are only critiquing one narrative.

Agenda 9/15

*Please put your TKAM annotations and your notes for how to write a hook strategy, thesis statement and body paragraph on your desk.

Sign up for StudySync & complete your first assignment: 
  • Students new to Luminescent go to StudySync to create a new account.
  • Returning sophomores, log in with last year's log in info, go to your profile and add the new code for this year's group to your account. 
    • Zagros - i4c21294b
    • Atlas - k0g21298x
    • Qinling - u7n21299u
  • Once you've created your account, you can begin reading and annotating FDR's inaugural speech (*one referenced in the novel). Complete the lesson attached to the reading. 

Critique a narrative (15)
  • Log into Schoology and read through at least 3 of your peers stories. 
  • Select the story you think is strongest and complete this FORM

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Homework 9/11

TKAM  to page 189 and fill in the explicit vs. implicit chart (*we started in class).

Watch "How to Write a Thesis" and "How to Write a Body Paragraph" videos, take Cornell Noes, and revise your thesis and body paragraph #1. (*Note: If next week is going to be busy with extracurricular activities, feel free to revise body paragraphs #2 and #3 this weekend.)

Narrative Writing - Post to Schoology and reply thoughtfully and substantively to at least 2 peers. Please read the directions on the Schoology site carefully to ensure you are including the necessary narrative techniques.

Agenda 9/11

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Homework 9/9

Study for vocabulary 2 quiz on Thursday.

10 point reading quiz on Chapters 12-16 on Thursday.

Watch the "How to Write a Hook Strategy," take Cornell notes, and revise your summer assignment. If you didn't begin with a hook, please add one. If you started with a hook, refine and improve it.

Read and annotate To Kill a Mockingbird to page 166 (end of Chapter 16).

Agenda 9/9

Death Penalty: A Visual Exploration

Step 1: Below are three infographics about the death penalty. Your job is to explore and discuss the information provided in each. As a group, work together to discuss and document the following for each infographic:

  • What fact or facts are most interesting, thought provoking or shocking? Document these facts in your notes. (Note: you may want to reference these when we prepare for your timed argumentative essay.)
  • What questions do you have that are unanswered by the infographic?
  • What aspects of the death penalty do you feel you need to explore further?
  • What impact does this information have on your opinion of the death penalty?

Step 2: Analyzing the Design of the Infographic
  • Which infographic design did you like best? Why?
  • How did the design of the infographic impact you? Which visual representation of the information have the biggest impact?

Friday, September 5, 2014

Homework 9/5

Read and annotate TKAM to page 144.

Schoology: Write your SAT vocabulary #2 narrative and post it. Then read and reply thoughtfully and substantively to at least 2 peers.

Agenda 9/5

SSR (15)
Vocabulary List #2 Synonym & Antonym Search (15)
Grammar Activity - Correcting Run-on Sentences (15)
Present History of the Death Penalty Timelines
*NOTE: These will be checked on Monday for quality.
Listen to audio version of To Kill a Mockingbird.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Homework 9/3

Watch SAT vocabulary list #2 and take Cornell notes. 

Read and annotate TKAM to page 112

Schoology: 1 DQ and 2 thoughtful replies to peers

Agenda 9/3

Silent Sustained Reading

Vocabulary #2 Context Clues

Death Penalty Timeline Activity

Listen to the audio version of To Kill a Mockingbird.