Thursday, December 12, 2013

Agenda 12/12

I. Create your digital story with iMovie:
  1. Sign into your email and download all of your photos of your artwork to the desk top of your computer. 
  2. Download your MP3 audio file onto your desktop. 
  3. Find iMovie icon and open the application. If you don't see the iMovie star, click the Finder (blue face) and search for iMovie in your "Applications."
  4. You will drag and drop your pictures into the correct order and drag your audio into your iMovie. 
  5. Once you have all your images in your iMovie in the correct order, you can play with special effects. Click on each image and click the cog symbol to crop pictures, add the "Ken Burns" effect which adds movement to still photos. 

6. You will need to change the length of time each picture so it matches the length of your audio file. Remember the images we see should match the content of your story too. The default is 4 seconds per image, but you can change this to any amount of time. That said, you don't want your viewer staring at the same images for an extended period of time unless your images are extremely intricate.

7. When you are done creating your iMovie, click "Share" at the top of your screen and select YouTube. You will host this movie on your YouTube channel which you have as part of your Gmail account. 

8. The sign in for your YouTube channel should be the same as your Gmail account. When you export, keep in mind that the larger size and higher quality films will take longer to process. If you have plenty of time, then opt for a higher quality. If you are short on time, opt for a lower quality. 

II. Collaborize Classroom - Post your response to the debate topic and reply thoughtfully to at least 2 peers building on ideas shared, respectfully offering another option, asking questions or complimenting strong points made. 

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