Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Turning OFF Comments on YouTube

Thank you to all the students who posted their TED-style Talks on YouTube. Many of you selected controversial topics to discuss, so I wanted to walk you through the process of turning off comments. Unfortunately, part of posting our ideas online is there are unkind and ignorant people who may respond to your ideas. 

In the famous words of the very wise Taylor Swift "And the haters gonna hate, hate, hate, 
hate, hate. Baby, I'm just gonna shake, shake, shake, shake, shake. I shake it off, I shake it off."

Step 1: Log into your YouTube channel (same email and password as your Gmail). Then click on your image in the upper right hand corner of the screen. A pop up window with a button reading "Creator Studio" will appear. Click "Creator Studio."

Step 2: When you get to your videos, find the one you want to disable comments on. Click the arrow next to "Edit" on the video you want to disable comments on. Select "Info and Settings". 

Step 3: Once you select "Info and Settings" and it will take you to the actual video. Once there, click on "Advanced Settings." 

Step 4: You can disable comments so no one can post a comment or you can choose to only post comments you approve. To remove the comment feature, just unclick that box. You can also remove the ratings feature, so viewers cannot post a thumbs up or thumbs down on your videos. 

If you have trouble with any of this. Just let me know and I'll walk you through it. 

I also want to say...I'm so proud of all of you. It's courageous (and a bit scary) to put your ideas out into the world, but it is also so important that you understand you have a valuable voice. We spend time in our class talking about the importance of kind, respectful and supportive communication online. You practice this constantly in our online discussions. My hope is that you will carry these behaviors into your own online communications beyond the classroom. We cannot control what other people say online, but we can push kindness out into the world via our interactions online. 

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