Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Agenda 2/24

*Check Candor Core Final Evidence from Interview.

To Kill a Mockingbird Informational Paragraph - Type & Edit
Type and edit your To Kill a Mockingbird informational paragraph on the document I shared with you. Look in your Google Drive "Shared with me" to find it.

Peer Edit Joy Luck Club Argument Paragraphs

Read these bulleted directions carefully:
  • You will need to have two peer editors edit your paper using the rubric below. 
  • Click "Share" and add your peer editors to your document. 
  • When editing your peer's documents, click the pencil icon in the upper right to add your in-text corrections in another color.  
  • Please use the following comments if they are applicable:
    • Title and author need to be added to the claim
    • In-text citations are incorrect --> (Tan 1).  Please correct throughout.
    • No contractions. They are informal. Correct throughout.
    • Add quote introductions before each quote. 
    • 2 quotes are needed minimum per paragraph.
    • Your warrant should be 2 sentence of analysis minimum. Please develop. 
    • Your rebuttal needs additional data/evidence to disprove your counterclaim. Please add. 
    • No first (I or me) or second person (you or your). Your essay needs to be written in third person (he, she, they, society, etc.).
    • Use stronger vocabulary throughout. 
  • Once you've added the necessary comments, copy and paste the rubric below into the bottom of the paper you are editing and highlight the comments for each category and calculate a score for that student. 



Your score:
There is no creative title present.
You have a title, but it could be more creative. 
Your title is creative.
Your title is very creative. Nice job!

Your score:
Topic sentence is incomplete or absent. It is important to use this sentence to make a clear claim stating your position in relation to the topic.
Topic sentence does not clearly present a clear claim stating your position in relation to the topic.
Topic sentence attempts to present a clear claim stating your position in relation to the topic.
Your topic sentence clearly present a clear claim stating your position in relation to the topic.

Your score:
Data (evidence) is weak or absent. Citation errors throughout. 
Your data (evidence) could be stronger to more effectively support your points. Errors in MLA formatting.
You selected data (quotes/evidence) that support your points. Citations follow MLA format.
You selected strong data (quotes/evidence) that clearly support your points. Citations follow MLA format exactly. 
MLA Citations
Your score:
Citations are missing or do not follow MLA format.
Citations attempt to follow MLA format.
Citations follow MLA format.
Citations follow MLA format exactly.
Your score:
Warrant is weak or absent. Your analysis is underdeveloped and or missing. Do not tell me what happened in the novel. Tell me WHY it is important. 
Your warrant needs development. Your analysis is shallow and needs to go deeper. How and why does this quote support what you said in your topic sentence/thesis? It's your job to break the quote down for your reader to explain what it is saying and why it is significant given your main points. 
Your warrant supports your claim. Your analysis supports your topic sentence, but there is room to go deeper in your discussion of how and why this evidence supports your topic sentence/thesis. 
Your warrant is very strong. Nice job effectively supporting your topic sentences with thorough analysis. 
Your score:
You did not present a counterclaim. This weakens your paragraph. You have to let your reader know you understand the counter arguments and can address them. 
Your counterclaim is vague and hard to identify as you did not use a cue to indicate that it was a contrary idea. For example, "Some people argue that"....
You introduce a counterclaim to be addressed. 
You introduce a valid counterclaim to be addressed.
Your score:
Rebuttal is absent or lacking evidence and analysis. 
You explain why the counterclaim is not as strong as your claim, but you need to present data to support these ideas. Without data, your rebuttal is not effective. It is just your opinion. 
You present some data and analysis to prove that the counterclaim is not as strong as your claim. This would benefit from further development.
You effectively use data and analysis to show how the counterclaim you presented is not as strong as the claim you have made. 
Concluding statement
Your score:
Concluding statements are absent at the bottom of each paragraph.
Concluding statements fail to wrap up the main point of the paragraph.
Concluding statements are present and attempt to wrap up the main point. They would benefit from more precise language.
Concluding statements clearly wrap up each paragraph!


Write Core Final Script 
I've shared the document with you. Check your Google Drive "Shared with me".

  • Begin your Core Final script by listing the poignant quotes from your interview that might work well woven into the fabric of your story. 
  • Outline the parts of your story, so you have a sense of how you want to order events. 
  • Once you've completed those two tasks, you can begin the actual writing. 

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